CEO Greeting

We promote the excellence of Korean culture by
establishing a new standard for Korean food culture.
Kwangjuyo Group has been investing in the ‘value’ of Korean food
culture for the past half-century since 1963.
Moreover, after 25 years of popularizing the history and technology of the traditional ceramic,
we further expanded our scope from the high-end ceramics business to the food culture
business and liquor business, demonstrating the excellence of Korean culture.
Kwangjuyo Group has been raising the value of Korean food culture by developing
luxury brands such as Kwangjuyo (porcelain), Hwayo (liquor), and Gaon and Bicena (food)
operated by the Gaon Society. Now, Kwangjuyo Group aims to promote the excellence
of Korean culture to the world as a company that creates ‘the value’. In other words,
we want to become a culture-creating company and spread the
excellence of Korean culture to the world.
Cho Tae-kwon, CEO